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Cox Automotive Presents Insights to Help Dealers Sell More Cars in 2024

February 01, 20241 min read

In an exclusive event hosted by Car Dealer Live 2024, Cox Automotive analysts, renowned for their association with brands like Manheim and Dealer Auction, are set to delve deep into the used car market.

Phil Nothard, the firm's insight director, will present fresh data, shedding light on consumer preferences, attitudes towards fuel types, and the impact of AI on the motor trade. This event, scheduled for March 7 at the British Motor Museum, promises a day brimming with research sessions, panel discussions, and captivating interviews with industry giants like Peter Vardy and Peter Waddell.

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Nothard emphasises the importance of understanding the intricacies of the evolving automotive landscape, from shifts in buying and selling channels, including virtual and digital spaces, to the transition to electrification. Cox Automotive's unique position, spanning from the factory gate to the scrapyard, provides invaluable insights into the used car market's current state and potential changes in 2024.

The event also features research presentations from other industry leaders, including Auto Trader, Google, iVendi, and Automotive Transformation Group, all geared towards equipping dealers with practical takeaways for their businesses. With over 75% of tickets already sold, dealers are urged to secure their spot and gain a competitive edge in this dynamic marketplace.

Read the original article on Car Dealer Magazine.

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