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Maximising Sales Opportunities: Insights from Motor Trade News

December 11, 20232 min read

In an enlightening piece from, motor traders are encouraged to gear up for a significant surge in used car searches post-Christmas Day, a trend backed by data from Motors. Since 2018, this period has consistently shown a notable increase in consumer interest, a valuable insight for dealers aiming to sell more cars.

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The data, meticulously analysed by Motors, indicates a lull in used car searches from late November until Christmas Day. However, the festive season's conclusion marks a sharp turnaround. Boxing Day alone witnesses a 38% increase in searches compared to Christmas Day, with a further 20% rise from Christmas Eve's figures. The crescendo of activity peaks on December 27th, with searches skyrocketing to 67% above Christmas Day levels and 46% higher than Christmas Eve.

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This trend is not just a fleeting post-Christmas phenomenon. The momentum builds steadily through to New Year's Eve, dips briefly, and then resumes its upward trajectory throughout January. Lucy Tugby, Motors' marketing director, highlights the swift shift of consumers from holiday festivities to car purchase research, underlining the potential for December to counter its challenging reputation for used car sales.

Crucially, Tugby advises dealers against delaying new stock advertisements post-holidays. This period, she argues, is ripe with sales opportunities, lost if not capitalised upon promptly. Dealers are urged to prepare vehicles for sale and ensure all online listings are current and engaging, thereby maximising the increased search activity.


This motor trade news serves as a clarion call for dealerships. By staying updated and proactive with their stock listings during the festive period, they can effectively tap into the heightened consumer interest, turning the traditionally slow end-of-year season into a prosperous time for selling cars.

As we look towards 2024, this insight offers a strategic advantage for dealers seeking to boost their sales and start the new year on a high note.

You can read the original article here.

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