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Tesla's Major Recall: Addressing Autopilot System Flaws

December 15, 20232 min read

Tesla, the renowned electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer, has recently faced a significant challenge with its innovative Autopilot system. After extensive investigations by the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over two million Tesla cars have been recalled. This recall, a substantial setback for the Elon Musk-led company, addresses issues with the partially automated driving system, which has been linked to several collisions.


The NHTSA's two-year investigation revealed concerns about the Autopilot’s effectiveness in ensuring driver attention and preventing foreseeable misuse. Consequently, they have mandated an update to the system. This update aims to enhance driver warnings and alerts and restricts the operational areas of basic Autopilot versions. This decision impacts nearly all Tesla models sold in the US, including models Y, S, 3, and X produced between October 5, 2012, and December 7 of the current year.

Despite Tesla's reluctance to agree with the NHTSA's analysis initially, the company acquiesced to the recall on December 5, marking a collaborative effort to resolve the investigation. The software update, distributed to some affected vehicles already, with others to follow, represents a significant move in addressing the concerns raised.

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Safety experts, however, express reservations. While acknowledging the recall as a positive step, they emphasize that the responsibility still heavily rests on the driver. The fundamental issue, they argue, lies in the Tesla automated systems' inability to adequately detect and respond to obstacles. This concern is echoed by Philip Koopman, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University specialising in autonomous vehicle safety, who finds the software update insufficient for older models lacking robust hardware for driver monitoring.

The NHTSA's statement underlines that their investigation remains ongoing, focusing on the effectiveness of Tesla's remedial actions. They continue to work closely with Tesla to ensure the highest level of safety for all users.

In contrast, the situation in the UK differs. The DVLA has not identified any safety concerns with Tesla vehicles sold there, citing differences in technology from their US counterparts. A spokesperson emphasised that UK-sold Teslas are not self-driving and are not approved for such operation.


As Tesla navigates this complex issue, the recall underscores the intricate balance between innovation and safety in the rapidly evolving automotive industry. This development in 'motor trade news' is a critical reminder for manufacturers and consumers alike, highlighting the importance of continuous monitoring and improvement in automotive technology.

You can read the original article here.

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