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Van stuck

You Can't Park That There Sir!

September 12, 20231 min read

In an extraordinary turn of events, a van driver found himself in quite a pickle amidst the serene yet unforgiving marshes of North Norfolk. This Sunday just gone, the quiet village of Thornham became the setting for a tale that highlights the unpredictable British weather.

thornham marsh high tide

As the locals would narrate, the driver embarked on what seemed to be a routine visit to an address nestled within the picturesque marshes of the region. However, the village's notorious high tides decided to play a cheeky game of hide and seek, leaving the access road utterly submerged and our driver stranded a mere 100m away from the the shoreline.

Being no stranger to the fast-changing moods of the sea, the quick-witted driver managed to steer his van towards a tiny haven adjacent to a barn. Here, he was afforded a temporary reprieve, allowing him a few hours of reflection as the waters played their timeless dance around him. It seems even the seasoned motorists amongst us find themselves at the mercy of Mother Nature's whimsical plays now and then.

thornham harbour high tide

What sets this story apart is the spectacular image immortalised by local photographer Paul Stearman, who was at hand to document this almost poetic moment of man versus nature. Mr Stearman, , recounted to the North Norfolk News the sheer fortune that played in favour of the stranded driver. He commented, 'It was lucky the water didn't go any higher. When the tide gets really high, it covers the whole marsh. The other thing that affects it is the wind – when you have strong winds blowing off the sea, it drives the water in and can raise the level higher than anticipated.'

The original story was covered by North Norfolk News along with national publications, The Metro & Telegraph.

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