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What Happens If I Want To Cancel?

November 11, 20222 min read

What Happens If I Want To Cancel

This is a question that a lot of providers try and shy away from! After all who wants to be thinking about cancelling even before you've got started!

Although we don't get too many dealers cancelling, when we do it's important to know what needs to be done.

1. Cancellation Period:

As you are aware we are not big fans of cumbersome contracts that tie you in unnecessarily. We signed up for loads of these when we were retailing and invariably they were for a reason!

We only want dealers using
AutoEngage that genuinely get value from it, not because they have a contract that tells them they have to use it.

We run on a
30 Day rolling contract and you are free to cancel up to the day before the 30 day rolling contract renews.

To cancel you simply need to email us on
[email protected], text us or use the web chat via our website or the dashboard.

2. What Happens Afterwards

When an account is cancelled we automatically keep the account live for the next 6 months. The reason being is that you will get customers that will reply to previous messaging at any point and at any time.

We regularly see replies to messages that were sent 5 months previously! and usually they are a reply saying that they are now ready to change their vehicle....

if you do decide to cancel you then have 2 options moving forward:

i. You cancel the outbound part of your AutoEngage product, however retain the inbound part for a nominal £100 per month. This allows you to still make use of all of the chat bots and inbound lead management services plus it also then allows you to reply to any of the replies that WILl come in from previous messaging.

ii. You cancel completely and we will then advise you of any communications that need your input for 6 months after your cancellation.

After 6 months of inactivity has passed all dealer accounts and their content is deleted.

We believe that being Fair is the name of the game and will always operate with our dealer's best interests.

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Our Guarantee

I am 100% completely confident in the results that AutoEngage will produce for any dealer, so much so that I will always happily prove them up front!

Everything we do, brings a near instant ROI, in most cases our motor trade partners earn before they even pay us anything...

Heard it all before?!

How do you know it will be different this time?

Listen I understand what it is like to run a dealership as i've run my own, I've been exactly where you are now. Whilst running my own dealerships I spent £Hundreds of thousands of my own money on advertising and marketing to try and help sell more cars.

Most was good, but there was a lot that was really bad! I bought plenty of stuff that looked great on paper, but left me with nothing apart from a lighter bank balance.

Thats why when I started AutoEngage my #1 priority was to provide a near instant return on investment. I am pleased to say that I have definitely achieved that and always happy to prove it!

The motor trade is a small world that unless you have worked within it, you will never truly understand it. I have used my 29 years of motor trade experience of working in & owning my own car dealerships and put it into AutoEngage.

Quite simply AutoEngage will easily & cost effectively help you sell more cars every month, even in December! By booking sales appointments with your previous customers, generating 5⭐️ google reviews and helping you manage all of your incoming leads turning them into customers.

However I don't expect you to take us at face value and that is why I am always happy to put my money where my mouth is and show you results up front!


Not sure if we are going to be able to help your dealership?

Drop us a message on the web chat below and we will arrange a convenient time to call.

Ready to transform your dealership ?

Power-up your lead generation, generate 5⭐️ reviews and sell more cars with AutoEngage!