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"Will AutoEngage Work For My Dealership, As We Are Different!"

October 18, 20222 min read

“Will AutoEngage Work For My Dealership, As We Are Different! ”

Well this is the 6 million dollar question that most dealers ask us and our response is always the same and we will come to that in a moment.

First we need to address this part of the question:

"As We Are Different"!

We hear the above statement an awful lot when we are speaking with dealers and although we agree that all dealers are different, in that some may specialise in certain brands or types of vehicle and some may specialise in certain brackets. What we do need to remember is that all dealers are fundamentally the same in that they are in the business of buying and selling vehicles for a profit.

From our point of view we therefore look at dealers this way.

Now back to the first part of the question:

"Will AutoEngage Work For My Dealership?"

The standard answer that we give to this question is as follows:

NO it won't work for all and every dealership, however for those that it will work for, it works extremely well! 👊

How Do You Mean It Won't Work For Every Dealership!

Ok AutoEngage was designed to enhance the work that you have already done. It will pretty much magnify the relationship that you initially built with your previous customers.

Now if you do the job well, prepare your vehicles to a good standard, are not shy of fixing any issues that arise (no matter how small).

If your customers are mostly saying positive things about you and your dealership (reviews).

And if you understand that customers are the life blood of any dealership.

Then AutoEngage will work really well for you and you will effectively reap what you have sown previously!

If you don't really care about what you sell and how you sell it, do very minimal prep and shy away from any problem that comes your way (no matter how small it is)

Then AutoEngage will definitely not be for you! It will actually become a hindrance, as you will get responses and they won't be the responses that you will want.

To arrange a free trial for your dealership please goto our website

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I am 100% completely confident in the results that AutoEngage will produce for any dealer, so much so that I will always happily prove them up front!

Everything we do, brings a near instant ROI, in most cases our motor trade partners earn before they even pay us anything...

Heard it all before?!

How do you know it will be different this time?

Listen I understand what it is like to run a dealership as i've run my own, I've been exactly where you are now. Whilst running my own dealerships I spent £Hundreds of thousands of my own money on advertising and marketing to try and help sell more cars.

Most was good, but there was a lot that was really bad! I bought plenty of stuff that looked great on paper, but left me with nothing apart from a lighter bank balance.

Thats why when I started AutoEngage my #1 priority was to provide a near instant return on investment. I am pleased to say that I have definitely achieved that and always happy to prove it!

The motor trade is a small world that unless you have worked within it, you will never truly understand it. I have used my 29 years of motor trade experience of working in & owning my own car dealerships and put it into AutoEngage.

Quite simply AutoEngage will easily & cost effectively help you sell more cars every month, even in December! By booking sales appointments with your previous customers, generating 5⭐️ google reviews and helping you manage all of your incoming leads turning them into customers.

However I don't expect you to take us at face value and that is why I am always happy to put my money where my mouth is and show you results up front!


Not sure if we are going to be able to help your dealership?

Drop us a message on the web chat below and we will arrange a convenient time to call.

Ready to transform your dealership ?

Power-up your lead generation, generate 5⭐️ reviews and sell more cars with AutoEngage!