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What Does AutoEngage Cost, Is It Expensive?

November 14, 20226 min read

“How Much Is AutoEngage, Is It Expensive? ”

The price of AutoEngage depends upon a couple of factors and we try to make it as transparent as possible...   

Pricing Factors:

  1. How much customer data you have.

  2. How busy you want to be.

What Is It Going To Cost Us?

We wrestled with how to price AutoEngage for ages. The thing that we knew it had to be above all else was FAIR! We took into account all the products that we bought over our time retailing in our own dealerships and the ones we worked in.

We soon realised that the fairest way to price it was not on how big a dealer you were, but more on how much previous customer data you have and how busy you want to be.

Let me explain in the following examples:

Example 1:

Mike's motors is a dealer that sells 300 cars a year and is run by Mike and his trusty right hand man John. Each one of them needs a user account as they run the business in a hands on fashion, with each of them needing to see what is going on and with both of them needing to be able to communicate with each others customers. They have all of their customer data and want to a nice consistent amount of outreach on a daily basis, generating them leads, but not causing them too much of a headache. They would opt for our AutoEngage20 product which costs them £300 per month.

Example 2:

Susan's motors is a dealer that sells 400 cars a year and is run by Susan, her partner Dave and their 3 support staff. They only need 2 user accounts as Susan and Dave are the only ones that deal with customer interactions. They have loads of customer data and want to be really busy week in, week out, they don't mind putting the hours in and can sell as many vehicles as they can get enquiries on. They would opt for our AutoEngage40 product which costs them £500 per month.

Example 3:

John's motors is a dealer that sells 1000 cars a year and is run by John and his trusty team. John has 4 sales guys that are hungry to be selling as many vehicles as they can. John knows that good sales people are hard to come by and knows he needs to keep them busy. They need 8 user accounts for their sales facing staff. Their data is good, could be better, but they have enough. To keep their 4 sales staff busy they would opt for our AutoEngage80 product which costs them £900 per month.

Example 4:

Ann's motors is a dealer that sells 1000 cars a year and is run by Ann and her large team. Ann has a specific member of staff that looks after customer retention and engagement call Ian. It is Ian's sole job and responsibility to generate leads from previous customers, that are then passed over to the sales team. The dealers data is superb and they have every customer record stretching back to when they 1st started. Ian however only has so many hours in a day and likes to take his time making sure that he has in depth conversations with all of his customers. Even though Ian is the main person that deals with following up previous customers, there are other staff members that need to have a view to whats going on and so the dealer needs need 8 user accounts On this basis, they would opt for our AutoEngage40 product that costs them £500 per month.

It doesn't matter if you sell 150 or 5000 cars a year, if you want to be flat out or just have a manageable amount of leads coming in, there is an AutoEngage package for all occasions.


We don't charge for extra users, your monthly licence fee covers you for as many users as you wish. Having been car dealers ourselves, we know what a 300 car a year dealership looks like and how many users it may need and we also know what a 6000 a year car dealer looks like and how many users they may need. The more the merrier we say!

Plus it makes it easier for us to invoice you each month and it makes it easier for you to understand your bill!


Do you insist on a contract? The short and only answer is...NO

We have 100% faith in our product and it has been built for motor traders by motor traders. We only want dealers using AutoEngage that want to use it because they get value from it. NOT, because they are locked into some ridiculous contract!

We work on a 30 day rolling contract and you are free to cancel upto the day before your 30 day rolling contract starts again...

AutoEngage Version

AutoEngage is offered in one version and it doesn't matter if you sell 50 cars or 5000 cars every account gets the same features.

The business gurus would have a field day and tell us we are mad for not giving dealers a choice, plus it would be terrible for the bottom line. The thing is when we were retailing cars I personally used to hate signing up for a product and then being presented with a vast menu of add ons.....

On that note, lets address the Add-Ons while we are at it...


Once again we are probably missing a huge trick with our bottom line with not giving dealers the choice to add "add ons"

We just look at it that you can have it all and use what you want, that way it's fair for everybody.

As we bring out new features and workflows you can happily have those as well!

It makes it loads easier for us to invoice and everybody knows where they are.

So How Does AutoEngage Compared To Other Systems?

It doesn't really...and the reason it doesn't is because it is a sales and marketing system as opposed to a traditional DMS (Dealer management System)

When we started to build and design AutoEngage we knew that we didn't want to be another DMS system. There are already a good few, very good DMS systems on the market, to name a few, in no particular order and not a definitive list:

Navigator DMS

Click Dealer

Dragon 2000

Virtual Yard

AutoEngage is purely a sales and marketing platform, It's #1 objective is to help you sell more vehicles to the customers you already have and the ones you don't. 

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Our Guarantee

I am 100% completely confident in the results that AutoEngage will produce for any dealer, so much so that I will always happily prove them up front!

Everything we do, brings a near instant ROI, in most cases our motor trade partners earn before they even pay us anything...

Heard it all before?!

How do you know it will be different this time?

Listen I understand what it is like to run a dealership as i've run my own, I've been exactly where you are now. Whilst running my own dealerships I spent £Hundreds of thousands of my own money on advertising and marketing to try and help sell more cars.

Most was good, but there was a lot that was really bad! I bought plenty of stuff that looked great on paper, but left me with nothing apart from a lighter bank balance.

Thats why when I started AutoEngage my #1 priority was to provide a near instant return on investment. I am pleased to say that I have definitely achieved that and always happy to prove it!

The motor trade is a small world that unless you have worked within it, you will never truly understand it. I have used my 29 years of motor trade experience of working in & owning my own car dealerships and put it into AutoEngage.

Quite simply AutoEngage will easily & cost effectively help you sell more cars every month, even in December! By booking sales appointments with your previous customers, generating 5⭐️ google reviews and helping you manage all of your incoming leads turning them into customers.

However I don't expect you to take us at face value and that is why I am always happy to put my money where my mouth is and show you results up front!


Not sure if we are going to be able to help your dealership?

Drop us a message on the web chat below and we will arrange a convenient time to call.

Ready to transform your dealership ?

Power-up your lead generation, generate 5⭐️ reviews and sell more cars with AutoEngage!