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Is WhatsApp A Good Alternative To Web Chat?

March 23, 20235 min read


As a motor trader you are more than likely to have a website and chances are you already have some form of web chat. Today we are going to have a look at whether whatsapp business is a good alternative to the more traditional forms of web chat available.

is whatsapp a good alternative

What is WhatsApp?

WhatsApp, launched in 2009, has revolutionised the way people communicate globally. As one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, it boasts over 2 billion users worldwide and 30.1 million in the UK who rely on it for a seamless and convenient way to stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues. The app is available on various devices, including Android, iOS, and desktop computers, making it easily accessible for a wide range of users.

The success of WhatsApp can be attributed to several factors, including its simplicity, versatility, and commitment to user privacy. The app is user-friendly, with an intuitive interface that makes it easy for people of all ages and backgrounds to adopt. It offers a variety of communication options, such as one-on-one and group chats, voice and video calls, and file-sharing capabilities, all within a single platform. This versatility has made it a popular choice for both personal and professional use.

Sounds pretty good with that said, thats have a look at the positives !

1. Secure

End-to-end encryption: WhatsApp provides end-to-end encryption for messages, ensuring that only the sender and the recipient can read the content. This enhances privacy and security compared to some web chat platforms that do not provide this feature.

2. Cost

WhatsApp is free to download and use, which makes it an attractive alternative to some paid web chat services.

3. Availability

WhatsApp is available on various platforms, including Android, iOS, and as a desktop application, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

4. Popularity

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 2 billion users. There are 30.1 million users in the UK or roughly 43% of the population meaning that many of your friends, family, and colleagues may already be using it.

5. Multiple Communication Options

WhatsApp provides a wide range of communication options, such as one-on-one and group chats, voice and video calls, and file-sharing capabilities. This versatility allows users to choose the most suitable communication method for their needs and makes the platform a comprehensive solution for both personal and professional communication.

So all in all it looks pretty good and on the base of the fact it's popular, cheap, easy to use, secure it would seem to be a pretty good alternative to web chat...

This however is where it is easy to confuse theory and reality..

Now have a look at the downsides!

1. Requires a phone number

To use WhatsApp, users must have a valid phone number for registration. This requirement may be a barrier for those who prefer anonymity or don't want to share their phone numbers, as it makes it difficult to use the platform without providing personal information.

2. Privacy Concerns

WhatsApp is owned by Facebook, a company with a history of privacy controversies. Although WhatsApp has end-to-end encryption and operates independently with its own privacy policies, some users may still be concerned about how their personal data is handled and shared within the larger Facebook ecosystem.

3. Difficult For Web Users

WhatsApp is great if you have accessed a website from your phone and have the app installed. However it can be a different story if you have accessed it from a desktop or tablet. You must still have the app installed on these devices and although not too difficult, it does take time to download and install (as we will show in the video below) which doesn't provide for the best user experience.

4. Limited Personalisation/Customisation

WhatsApp offers fewer customisation options compared to some other messaging platforms. Users may find the lack of personalisation and control over the chat experience to be a drawback, especially if they prefer a more tailored messaging experience.

5. What About The Ones That Don't Use It?

As mentioned above WhatsApp has a huge following in the UK (30.1 million users). The problem is, that doesn't mean all of your customers are using it.
The UK population is around 68 million. Now the adult population (your customers) make up around 65% of that figure, so around 44 million. Now let's assume that all 30.1 million WhatsApp users are in that group (they aren't). What happens to the other 14 million or roughly 33% of customers that are not using WhatsApp?

For every 100 people that come to your website, 33 do not have the instant ability to converse with you on whatsapp...

With 98% of the adult population having a mobile phone utilising traditional sms based web chat you then reduce that down to 2%.

Check The Video Below Of What A Customer Has To Go Through To Use WhatsApp If They Are On A Desktop.

In Summary:

WhatsApp is a great product and a very useful tool. However it isn't without limitations and isn't necessarily ideal as a sole means of web chat on a website.

It is a great FREE addition to web chat, giving people the choice if they wish to use it, however as can be seen from the figures above you could be missing out on contact from a prospective customer if that is the only option you offer.

With AutoEngage Inbox that utilises traditional sms and starting at £37 per month, it's not only cheap, but 98% of your prospective customers will still be able to use it!

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